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From 30/09/21 to 08/10/21 TwoPlusTwo Association hosted Use-less project, an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Program. The main aim was to raise awareness among young people to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. The exchange provided many rich contents and was such a valuable experience of sharing personal approaches on the one hand, and on the other, of grasping the recent sustainable dynamics on European level.

Four countries were involved – Italy, France, Portugal and Poland – which, under the program, brought to the table not only their ideas and proposals but also concretely implemented projects about sustainability from several points of view: Environment, Economics, Sociological. Not by chance, the topics of Use-less project ranged from culture and creativity to environment and climate changes, touching, eventually, the concept of responsible citizenship.

These are the key-questions to begin with and we tried to answer trough workshops, debates and simulation activities about the topics of climate changes, recycling and circular economy, linking to open air activities and according to active learning logical system.

In the basis of project there was the Association’s mission which has been promoting for years non-formal activities for young adults inside Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Programs: promoting the cultural differences with a view to mutual exchange of ideas and lifestyles.
It is not enough to think about sustainability: we are supposed to act in a sustainable way, being aware that the world changes with our example. Not with our words only.
by Eleonora Masullo
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