SAY - Something about yourself


Where: Napoli



It seems people and governments are finally starting to realize that our current model of education has passed its expiration date. A 150-year-old system, excelled at training children to be good factory workers, not teaching them how to thrive. This is what the entire educational model was built upon, and this is the model that we have inherited. Unfortunately, this system leaves little to no room for creative expression, nor does it see the economic value in it. Everyone has their own unique talents and abilities, so how is it fair to grade kids according to one model of intelligence, knowing that there are more types of intelligence? However, our current system requires a high level of independent action and creativity to solve complex problems. To solve these problems you need a great understanding of yourself – the internal – and the world around you – the external. You are best prepared if you are healthy, physically strong and have a strong will.

The program aims at letting young people learn the important values they need to design a healthy and prosperous life. The project provides a learning framework, tools for individual growth and positive routines to implement in your daily life. The project has been designed to unlock the most potential out of one’s character by implementing routines such as journaling, exercise, meditation and self-assessment. We encourage and guide participants to examine and take part in co-creating their life. Writing about uncertainty, past, present, and future, has multiple benefits. We want to build up this learning framework by putting in practise non formal education and give chance to any participant to take control of his/her learning. Most of young people find difficulties that are connected to decision making especially when related to the transition from teenage to adulthood, what college should I apply? Should I accept that job offer? Should I seek for more training opportunities? The answer can sound familiar “I don’t know what I want to do”. To sum up our goals:

  • to stimulate young people to be proactive while thinking of their life and their future;
  • to focus on the unleashed potential and our creative capacities;
  • to encourage positive habits and routines throughout daily rituals and journaling;
  • to reinforce the competence of learning to learn by sharing methods and exercises
  • to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set and explore the creative economy
  • to increase the ability to stay focused in the midst of increasing distraction from social media and other sources;
  • to develop confidence and leadership skills as well as learn how to work (communicate) in a team;
  • to empower critical thinking;
  • to develop understanding and appreciation of different cultures

The program envisages methods and dynamics based on non-formal methodology, experiential learning and guided reflection.


The Project



The project is open for participants resident in Naples or in the surroundings aged 17 – 24 who can communicate in English and are motivated to work on the topics of self-development and want, above all, empower their soft skills through an intercultural experience.

The call for participants will be opened in the next months.

All costs for food and accommodation are covered by the Erasmus+ programme.

Participation fee 20 €

If you have any questions or simply want to know more about Erasmus+, please get in touch with our team



Food for thought


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